Book: Appendix I

Book: Appendix I

Upgrade Notes

Upgrade Notes

This document includes everything needed in order to upgrade your applications. If you’re looking for all the new features in a version, please have a look at the CHANGELOG in the Camping source.

From 2.0 to 2.1

From 2.0 to 2.1



In Camping 2.1 there is now a built-in way to store options and settings. If you use cookie session, it means that you’ll now have to change to:

module Nuts
  set :secret, "Very secret text, which no-one else should know!"
  include Camping::Session

From 1.5 to 2.0

From 1.5 to 2.0



The biggest change in 2.0 is that it now uses Rack internally. This means that you’ll now have to deploy Camping differently, but hopefully more easily too. Now every Camping application is also a Rack application, so simply check out the documentation to the server of your choice.

require 'camping/db'

require 'camping/db'

In earlier versions of Camping, you loaded database support by:

require 'camping/db'

Actually, this loaded a very thin layer on top of ActiveRecord, and in the future we want to experiment with other libraries. Therefore you should now simply remove the line, and instead just inherit from Base right away. This also means you’ll have to place your migrations after the models.

We also encourage you to use Model.table_name instead of :appname_model, just to make sure it’s named correctly.

## Don't require anything:
# require 'camping/db'

module Nuts::Models
  ## Just inherit Base:
  class Page < Base; end
  ## Migrations have to come *after* the models:
  class CreateTheBasics < V 0.1
    def self.up
      create_table Page.table_name do |t|
    def self.down
      drop_table Page.table_name

Cookie Sessions

Camping 2.0 now uses a cookie-based session system, which means you now longer need a database in order to use sessions. The disadvantage of this is that you are restricted to only around 4k of data. See below for the changes required, and see Camping::Session more details.

module Nuts
  ## Include Camping::Session as before:
  include Camping::Session
  ## But also define a secret:
  secret "Very secret text, which no-one else should know!"

def Nuts.create
  ## And remove the following line:
  # Camping::Models::Session.create_schema

Error handling

Error handling

Camping now uses three methods in order to handle errors. These replaces the old classes NotFound and ServerError.

You can override these in your application:

module Nuts
  def r404(path)
    "Sorry, but I can't find #{path}."

  def r501(method)
    "Sorry, but I can't respond to #{method}."

  def r500(klass, method, ex)
    "Sorry, but #{klass}##{method} failed with #{ex}."

It should be noted that this might change in the future.