The philosophy of Camping is a long and winding tail of origin, met by the ideals for the future of many mad hackers. The story of camping begins in 2006 on a cool winters night in Pittsburgh, where we find a hacker hunched over his computer, typing ruby code with his right hand and playing a laser theremin with his left. To the spooky sounds of his own left hand, he hacked through the night. This night, camping was born.
Lets step back though time for a minute though, to the origins of this man. Once an upstanding PHP developer, he grew weary and tired of his day job, writing endless login pages and checkouts. He dreamt of a world free of his C-flavoured prison. Tales of promised lands, where snake powered ponies run wild, dancing around campfires full of rubies glowing red as blood. They worked him to the bone, until one day his bones just up and left. He couldn't do it any longer! He was on a mission to find that fire which fueled his dreams.
In seclusion, there isn't much known about this odd man's life. Some say he went crazy. Others say he became a well respected professor. Still others suggest both of these are true. But what we do know, is that it is here, that he developed his love of chunky bacon, foxes, and children shaped like keyholes.
And so he went on, crafting his mad writings, scribblings of foxes explaining ruby symbols, and making strange music. Soon this man found himself concerned that children had no good way to make their own eBay competitors. For this reason, he created Camping.
The End.
Why The Lucky Stiff is no longer around, so those of us who contributed early on to Camping have since become its caretakers. We continue to push the framework foward, to be more compact, to be faster, easier, more fun. These are our guiding principals: